Bikini Line
A nice clean up! Nothing Crazy, Only Simple and Neat
Service Description
Everyone's sense of what it means to be tailored and groomed is different. So in many case less can be more for many. A bikini wax includes only the hairs that land outside the pant or brief line, and 3 inched out onto the inner thigh. Just enough hair removal to feel polished and prepared for sporting event. (Review Brazilian Wax for more details)

Cancellation Policy
PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF TIME! IT IS A GIFT WE ALL CAN'T GIVE OR GET BACK! Time is precious and we both should try never to waste it. So please never hesitate to contact us with scheduling concerns, directly by calling or texting 404.910.3858... You will have a 12hr grace period to call or text to cancel or reschedule. We understand things pop up. If you do not honor this rule a $50 cancelation free will be added to your next checkout ticket.
Contact Details
Gwinnett County, GA, USA